Cărţi poştale trimise: 1
Cărţi poştale primite: 0
Cărţi poştale în progres: 0
Stele primite: 5.00
Ţara: Statele Unite ale Americii
Membru din: 07 Decembrie 2024
Ultima activitate: 18 Decembrie 2024
I am an avid journal keeper and have been analog focused for years, but my friends are getting tired of me posting to them all the time.
Likes and hobbies:
- anything nerdy (comics, games, costuming, d&d, fantasy, etc)
- Silly trivia or historical facts (if you are traveling, what is the weirdest fact of that area?)
- animals, I am an avid horseback rider and being raised in Florida I love gators, raccoons, otters, sandhill cranes, really any animal.
- unique or weird finds.
- propaganda
- I love a good pun or terrible joke
- Jackalopes, local mythological creatures or legends
- dinosaurs and dragons
- stationary/fountain pens. (Bonus for japanese stationary)
- lighthouses
-Witchy things
-Egyptian or Norse mythology
- Feminism
- Anything that brings you joy. I am getting mail from people all over the world, I am excited to just share that with you. Please do not feel obligated to pick from the list above.
Please do not send:
- ads
-religion (your celebrated holidays, even if religious, are totally welcomed.)
Split my time in Virginia and Florida. About 1-2 times a year in Denmark