Cărţi poştale trimise: 1
Cărţi poştale primite: 0
Cărţi poştale în progres: 0
Stele primite: 1.00
Ţara: Rusia
Limbi: English, русский
Membru din: 24 Martie 2024
Ultima activitate: 27 Octombrie 2024
Hi! my name is Anastasia. I live in Moscow and work as a speech therapist. I've been doing postcrossing lately.
You can write on the postcard very legibly in your own language, because I use google translator. It is very interesting.
I want to receive postcards from different countries. I am interested in everything related to your country or city. It can be a landscape, or buildings, or national clothes, or a traditional craft, or something historical, or traditional food. It could be a famous person. I am interested in learning everything about other countries and peoples.
I like postcards with characters from books, movies and TV series. People in love or dancing too.