Cărţi poştale trimise: 3
Cărţi poştale primite: 3
Cărţi poştale în progres: 0
Stele primite: 4.67
Ţara: Spania
Limbi: English, spanish
Membru din: 29 Februarie 2024
Ultima activitate: 08 Septembrie 2024
Hi! I live in Madrid (Spain), but I was born in Malaga, a place with magnificent beaches and good weather.
I was born in 1976 and have two childrent.
I love cardmaking and I love all kinds of exchanges (postal letter, postcard, card...). Feel free to send me any postcard you want.
P. D. I am also on other sites, so when writing a number, please prepend «GEO-» to the number, so if the site gives you US-101, please write GEO-US-101 instead. Thank you.