Cărţi poştale trimise: 2
Cărţi poştale primite: 1
Cărţi poştale în progres: 0
Stele primite: 5.00
Ţara: Statele Unite ale Americii
Membru din: 24 Noiembrie 2024
Ultima activitate: 20 Ianuarie 2025
My Name is Wendy, I am 53 years old, married for 20 years. I enjoy crafting. I almost always have a baby blanket in my crochet bag. I also make polymer clay earrings for fun. I hand them out with random act of kindness cards. These cards ask others to do something similar, to pass on kindness. I don't sell my crafts. I find it relaxing to create and give the items away. This inspires me.
If I am not crafting, I spend watching Netflix, reading and I bowl on a bowling team weekly with my 24 year old daughter and her boyfriend. I have a Blonde colored cocker Spaniel grand dog, that I just adore.
I would love postcards of any kind from all over the world. Tell me something about yourself or the area in which you live or tell me a joke or fun fact or two.
I do like Birds, Dogs and SNOOPY/Peanut Characters. Black and White postcards just might be my favorite ;-) but any type of card will make my day. I do not collect stamps, but I do appreciate beautiful, or unique stamps.
Homemade and decorated cards are perfect too. I love seeing your creative side.